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Album Perusahaan

Informasi dasar

Kapasitas produk

Aliran produksi

Brazilian wax creation
Production process for the creation of the Brazilian wax drops.

Informasi pabrik

Ukuran Pabrik
1,000-3,000 square meters
Lokasi Pabrik
Via F. Parri, 49, Citta Della Pieve 06062 Italy
Jumlah Lini Produksi
Above 10
Manufaktur Kontrak
Design Service Offered, Buyer Label Offered
Nilai Output Tahunan
US$2.5 Million - US$5 Million

Kontrol kualitas

Kualitas Manajemen Proses

Temperature control
In the temperature control phase we need to be careful to maintain a suitable melting point.